
To each area of the dashboard, you will be able to see an overview of the different gaps appearing to each category. Below, you will be able to see all gaps sectioned in each category. When you unfold the specific gap, you will be able to click forward to a detailed guide on how to close the gap.  


During inspections, 5 different gaps may occur, all of which will be reviewed below, with a guide on how to remove these.

When working with gaps in the inspections category, three different colors of gaps may appear. A red gap indicates, that a work process is overdue. A yellow gap indicates that a work process is ongoing. A blue gap is an expression of an informational purpose that is not necessarily a problem but that something is missing in the setup of the inspection.

Work processes

When working with gaps within the category of work processes a variety of different gaps may occur. The different gaps and a guide on how to remove the gaps, can be found below. 

Three different colors of gaps may occur in the category of work processes.

The red is an expression of a gap, which means that there is a gap in connection with the work process in order for it to be in accordance with the legislation in the area.  This gap deals with key pieces of information that need to be filled.  A red gap in connection with work processes cannot be accepted and requires this to be considered by filling out the work process with the information required.

A yellow color in the bar also means that there is a gap in the work process, which must be filled for the work process to comply with the legislation. When a gap appears yellow in relation to work processes, it indicates a lack of detail. To understand the difference between yellow and red gaps, the legal basis to be filled in during the work process can be used. If the legal basis is not filled in, it is a key information that is missing and thus a red gap. If there is no justification for the legal basis, it is the level of detail that is insufficient and thus a yellow gap. In relation to work processes, both red and yellow gaps require that the necessary information is created in the work process. In the dashboard, the yellow gap features will work similarly to red, but in the work process, you’ll see them as yellow exclamation marks next to the elements that are causing the gap.

When a bar shows a blue color, it is something to be aware of, but not necessarily a problem in relation to the work process and whether it meets the regulatory requirements. It can be understood as having an informational function.

Is the obligation to provide information met? (Opfyldes oplysningspligten?)
Are data deleted? (Slettes data?)
Legal basis (ordinary information) - (Lovligt grundlag (almindelige oplysninger))
Legal basis (Danish categories) - (Lovligt grundlag (særlige oplysninger))
Legal basis (special categories / sensitive information) - (Lovligt grundlag (følsomme oplysninger))
Security measures (Sikkerhedsforanstaltninger)
Risk assessments (Risikovurderinger)
Legal basis updated (Lovligt grundlag opdateret)

IT systems / information assets

When working with gaps within the category of IT systems / information assets a variety of different gaps may occur. The different gaps and a guide on how to remove the gaps, can be found below. 

In regard to IT systems / information assets to different colors of gaps may occur. The red and yellow gaps have the same meaning as mentioned under work processes and are thus elements where information must be provided to comply with the legislation.

Search function in the IT system? (Søgefunktion i IT-systemet?)
Dele function / irreversible deidentification in the IT system? (Slettefunktion / uigenkaldelig afidentificering i IT-systemet?)
Data export in the IT system? (Data eksport i IT-systemet?)
Limited processing in the IT system? (Begrænset behandling i IT-systemet?)
Secure access to the IT system / information asset? (Sikker adgang til IT-systemet/informationsaktivet?)
Division of access to the IT system / information asset? (Adgangsopdeling i IT-systemet/informationsaktivet?)
Used in work process (Bruges i arbejdsproces)
No data recipients (Ingen datamodtager)
Security measures missing (Manglende sikkerhedsforanstaltninger)
Risk assessments (Risikovurderinger)

Data recipients

When working with gaps within the category of data recipients a variety of different gaps may occur. The different gaps and a guide on how to remove the gaps, can be found below.

In regards to data recipients to different colors of gaps may occur. The red and yellow gaps have the same meaning as mentioned under work processes and are elements where information must be provided to comply with the legislation.

Has a data processing agreement been signed? (Er der indgået en databehandleraftale?)
Does it contain the elements from the check list? (Indeholder den punkterne i tjeklisten?)
Are inspections of the processor conducted? (Udføres der kontrol med databehandleren?)
Has an agreement on joint controllership been entered into? (Er der indgået en aftale om fælles dataansvar?)
Used in work process (Bruges i arbejdsproces)
No IT system / information assets (Ingen IT-systemer/informationsaktiver)
Is the data recipient located in an unsafe third country? (Er datamodtagerne placeret i et usikkert tredjeland?)


GapSolutions A/S
Uraniavej 6
DK-8700 Horsens


CVR-nr. 38582356


Salg & administration
(+45) 8844 0808

Helpline & konsulenter
(+45) 2199 0808


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