Create an incident report

Creating an incident report

When clicking on “create incident”, a form for filling out the incident report will open. Mostly the page will look like the picture below, but in some cases the company may have chosen to adjust the settings in connection with the implementation of the whistleblower solution, which is why it may appear differently.

  1. In this field, the whistleblower describes the incident being reported. It is important that the incident gets described thoroughly, as it’s possible to remain anonymous and the whistleblower may not choose to access the secure mailbox, which would be the only way to contact an anonymous whistleblower if having any further questions.
  2. If the whistleblower has any documentation regarding the incident, it’s possible to submit fileshere.
  3. This icon gives the whistleblower the option to choose between remaining anonymous or not. It is not in all cases that the whistleblower can choose to remain anonymous. It is also important to be aware that it is individual how companies choose to set this feature – in some cases it is automatically turned on, after which the whistleblower must turn it off if the whistleblower doesn’t want to remain anonymous. In other cases, it is turned off by default, after which the whistleblower must turn on the icon if wanting to remain anonymous.
  4. The whistleblower must choose a code which must be used when the secure mailbox is later to be accessed. Therefore, it is important to remember the code. If the code is forgotten, it will not be possible to access the secure mailbox.
  5. This part of the reporting concerns consent. In this field, consent is given to the processing of personal data that may have been provided regarding the whistleblower in connection with the report. An incident report can only be sent with this consent. If this field is not checked, the “create incident” icon remains inactive and cannot be clicked.

Finally, when the form for creating an incident is filled out, the whistleblower must on the “create incident” icon in the right corner, to submit the incident report.

When an incident report has been made

When the whistleblower has filled out the form for your report and pressed “create incident”, the whistleblower will get redirected to a new page automatically. The page looks like this:

  1. This is the receipt for having submitted an incident report. This means that the incident report is received in the Whistleblower portal.
  2. In this field, the Whistleblower will get the link to the secure mailbox that the whistleblower has been assigned. It is extremely important that the whistleblower save this link, as it is the only way to access the secure mailbox that has been created in connection with the incident. The secure mailbox allows the whistleblower unit to ask follow-up questions regarding the incident report and give feedback to the whistleblower which is required by law within 3 months. At the same time, it also gives the whistleblower the opportunity to submit additional information that may have been forgotten when the incident report was submitted.

Please notice,

It is very important to save the link and remember the code created in connection with submitting the incident report. This is the only way to access the secure mailbox.

In the case that having lost the link to the secure mailbox or forgotten the code, it is not possible to access the secure mailbox. If a whistleblower has forgotten information in the original incident report or have other documentation that must be provided, we encourage to sending an additional report with the additional material.


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