
In the module ‘Data’, the different areas with elements of Data will be processed. When clicking on ‘Data’ in the bar to the left, following options will be shown:

You can click on all sub-items below and get a more detailed guide to using the different modules.

1 – Work processes: In the context of GDPR, work processes are processes in which the processing of personal data is included. In this module, you can edit existing and create new work processes.

2 – Data recipients: A data recipient is a legal or natural person, public authority, agency, or other body to whom personal data are transferred. It can be anything from your bank to SKAT and to Microsoft Office, etc. In this module, you can edit existing and create new data receivers.

4 – IT systems / information assets: IT systems/information assets are programs and assets that contain information. It can be software, as well as it can be physical things like laptops, external hard drives, etc. In this module, you can edit existing and create new IT systems/information assets in the portal.

5 – Security measures: Security measures are actions and systems that help ensure the security of the processing and storage of personal data. In this module, you can find an overview of existing security measures, edit them, and create new security measures yourself.

How to navigate in Work processes

To access, create, or edit a work process, you must log in to the GDPR portal. Inside the portal, on the left side, you will find a bar where you must click on ‘Data’, after which a subbar will open. Here, click on ‘Work processes’ to open the overview of all work processes. The overview is divided into different areas, and this is also where you create a new work process.

  1. Create a new group work process.
  2. The functions next to each ‘Work process’ are from left to right: Edit and function menu with: Link, unlink, archive, and delete.
  3. Overview that shows the overall information about the individual group work process. Among other things, you can see how many local work processes are created in each work process. By clicking into the form for a group work process, you can see which local work processes have been created.
  4. Convert local: Here you can convert local work processes that are already created in a local portal into the group portal. Read more about this function here.

Read more about how to fill out the form for a groupwork process here.

How to navigate in Data recipients

To access, create or edit a data recipient, you must log in to the GDPR portal. Inside the portal, on the left side, you will find a bar where you must click on ‘Data’, after which a subbar will open. Here, click on ‘Data recipients’ to open the overview of all data recipients. The overview is divided into different areas, and this is also where you create a new data receiver.

  1. Create a new group data recipient. When you click here, a form will open, which you will need to fill out.
  2. Advanced search function that can be used to find the specific data recipient(s) you need faster.
  3. Export data recipients to excel. This will create an excel file with a great overview of the individual data recipient.
  4. Convert local: Here you can convert a local data recepient to the group portal. Read more about this function here.
  5. Here you can edit a data receiver, which will open the same window as when you create a data receiver.
  6. Function menu where you can; link, unlink, archive, and delete.
  7. Overview showing the overall information about the individual ‘Data Recipients’.

Read more about how to fill out the form for data recipients here.

    How to navigate in IT systems / information assets

    To access, create or edit IT systems/information assets, you must log in to the GDPR portal. Inside the portal, on the left side, you will find a bar where you must click on ‘Data’, after which a subbar will open. Click here on ‘IT systems / information assets’, to open the overview of all IT systems / information assets. The overview is divided into different areas, and it is also here that new IT systems / information assets are created.

    1. Create a new IT system / information asset.
    2. Export an overview of the various IT systems/information assets to excel. Here you get a greater overview than what you can see in section 7.
    3. Convert local: Here you can convert local IT systems / information assets that are already created in a local portal into the group portal. Read more about this function here.
    4. Here you can access settings for IT systems / information assets. Here you can choose whether it should be possible to delete the individual and in addition choose which fields should be possible to edit.
    5. Edit an existing IT system/information asset. This will open the same form as when creating a new IT system/information asset.
    6. Function menu where you can choose; link, unlink, archive, and delete.
    7. Overview that shows the overall information about the individual IT system / information asset.

      Read more about how to fill out the form for ‘ IT systems / information assets’ here.

      How to navigate in security measures

      To access, create or edit ‘Security measures’, you must log in to the GDPR portal. Inside the portal, on the left side, you will find a bar where you must click on ‘Data’, after which a subbar will open. Here, click on ‘Security Measures’ to open the overview of all security measures. The overview is divided into different areas, and this is also where new security measures are created.

      1. Create a new security measure
      2. Convert local: Here you can convert local security measures that are already created in a local portal into the group portal. Read more about this function here.
      3. Features next to each security measure are from left to right: Edit, which will open the same form as when you create a new security measure, delete, link, and unlink.
      4. Overview with information about each security measure.

      Read more about how to fill out the form for ‘ Security measures’ here.

      Icons that show in the different forms in the modules under data

      When you work with the different forms under the menu item data, some different icons will appear. Read below about what the different icons mean.

      Information box

      When you click on the small ’i’ at the top right corner of the field, an information box with further information about what you should specify in every field will show. The information boxes can also contain an elaboration of what the choices you can make mean.

      Red exclamation mark – Gap

      In front of the field, you will be able to see a red exclamation mark. The red exclamation mark is an expression of a gap where there is a lack of information that is determined by the legislation must be disclosed in a work process. When the field is filled with the required information, the exclamation mark will turn yellow. When the form is filled with all the information, the yellow exclamation mark disappears.  Both a red and yellow exclamation mark indicate that some information is missing to comply with the legislation in this area. The red exclamation mark relates to fundamental information and the yellow exclamation mark relates to the level of detail of information.


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