Data Subject requests

How to create or edit Data Subject Requests

To create a new data subject request, click on ‘Create’ (1) and a form will open. To edit an request that has already been created, click the edit icon (2).

Form for creating data subject requests

When you need to create or edit a request and press no. 1 or 2 above, a short form will open.

The form looks like this and requires the following information

  1. Category: Clicking on this field opens an exhaustive list where you can choose which category the request belongs to.
  2. Notes: Here you can write your own notes for internal use, which makes it easier for you to navigate the overview, as the notes will appear in the overview of data subject requests.
  3. Type: By type, you must indicate which type of data subject has applied. By clicking on this field, a list of different types of data subjects will appear. The types that are shown reflects the types that are registered in the portal in relation to work processes.
  4. Date: On the left, specify the date addressed by the data subject, and on the right, indicate when you have completed the data subject’s demand.
  5. Extended deadline: Here you need to specify whether there is an extended deadline.
  6. Here you can view and attach files by clicking on the field. After clicking on the field, a field will open where you can either drag the files into, or click on ‘choose file’, where you will be able to access your files and select what you want to attach.


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