A whistleblower is a person who reports information about breaches that the person has gained access to in connection with his or her work-related activities.
The Whistleblower portal exists for a person to report if they wish to disclose knowledge of serious illegal activities or other serious matters within the organization. Thereby, the Whistleblower portal allows employees to create reports that are then processed by the Whistleblower unit in the organization.
Depending on how the company has chosen to set up the Whistleblower solution, the whistleblower may remain anonymous. This can contribute to receiving reports of incidents that some might have refrained from informing about if they could not remain anonymous.
It may also be that the person has chosen not to remain anonymous. In this case, a Whistleblower portal resolves the question of where to direct the inquiry, as a unit has been set up to handle such reports.
A whistleblower is protected against retaliation, and therefore cannot be disadvantaged, fired, or otherwise retaliated because of having made an incident report.
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