Group Files

Files are used for basic file management and for sending read and approval requests.

In the section below, working with files will be reviewed in three areas:

The three different areas dealt with are:

  1. Directory structure
  2. Folder actions
  3. File management

Directory structure

In the folder structure, you can create new folders at the top by the ‘New Folder’ feature (1). When you click here, a small window will open where you need to specify the title of the folder you want to create. The folders that have a small arrow contain subfolders. To view and select the subfolders, you can click either the folder name or the arrow to the left of the name. Below you can see an example of this (2):

Folder actions

Folder actions provide the features needed to change the folder structure itself.

  1. Here you can edit the folder name. You do this by clicking on the icon that will change the name of the folder to an editing option.
  2. When clicking here you will open a list of the local portals connected to the group portal. Here it is possible to choose which local portals that have permission to enter the folder. You do this by clicking the icon next to each portal on or off. 
  3. When you’re in a fold, as in this case the folder ‘Data Processors’ you can create subfolders if there’s a lot of files, and you need more structure in each folders. If you create a subfolder, it’s possible to enter this folder, and create new subfolders inside, if there is a need for it. 
  4. Delete the folder. Please beware, that when deleting a folder all the files inside the folder will be removed as well. 

File management

The last area regarding files is the file management, where you have a couple of different features, that are reviewed below

  1. Here you can see the title of the file, that are uploaded to the folder. You can download the file, by clicking on the icon in front of the file name. 
  2. Here you can upload files. When clicking here, you will be able to choose between the files from your own unit. 
  3. In this example, you can click here, to send out the file, to the users in the portal, that needs to read it. This is called a reading request. This icon will only show this way, if a file hasn’t been send out to any users. If you have sent out the file, there will be a line instead of the icon. The line will indicate how many of the users you sent the reading request to, that have completed the request.
  4. Here you can delete the file.


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