
Files are used for basic file management and for sending read and approval requests.

In the section below, working with files will be reviewed in three areas:

The three different areas dealt with are:

  1. Directory structure
  2. Folder actions
  3. File management

Directory structure

In the folder structure, you can create new folders at the top by the ‘New Folder’ feature. When you click here, a small window will open where you need to specify the title of the folder you want to create. The folders that have a small arrow contain subfolders. To view and select the subfolders, you can click either the folder name or the arrow to the left of the name. Below you can see an example of this:

  1. Is the overview of the different folders.
  2. What the overview looks like when you open a folder that has subfolders.

Folder actions

Folder actions provide the features needed to change the folder structure itself.

  1. When clicking here you can edit the folder name. You do this by clicking on the icon that will change the name of the folder to an editing option.
  2. If you need to upload any files, click here. By clicking here, you open a window, which is discussed in more detail below.
  3. It is possible to create sub folders if desired. You do this by clicking on the function, which will open a new window in which you need to specify the name of the subfolder you want to create.
  4. Here you can delete the folder. You do this by clicking on the icon, after which you will be asked if you are sure that you want to delete the folder.

Upload file

When you click on ‘Upload File’ a window will open.

  1. First you need to choose whether you upload a file or a link.
  2. Here you need to select the file by clicking on the box that will open your file explorer from where you can select the file you want to upload. If you have chosen to upload a link, paste the URL here.
  3. To open the detailed settings features you can see in sections 4 and 5, click on this bar.
  4. If having created any categories, you can specify the category of the file / link here. You do this by clicking on the field where a menu with the different categories will open.
  5. Here you can specify notes for the file.

File management

File management is divided into some different functional areas:

  1. Category filtering: When you select a category in this field, the overview will show only the files in the folder with the specified category.
  2. Category settings: If you want to create or edit a category, you can do so by clicking on the cogwheel here. Next to each category in the window that opens when clicking on the cogwheel, there will be a dropdown menu. If you want to delete a category, you do this by clicking on the dropdown menu. You can also manage the file categories from settings -> account settings -> manage file categories. Read more about managing file categories here, under the heading “Account Settings”.
  3. File features: Clicking on this icon will open a function menu, with a variety of functions. These are discussed below.
  4. The icon indicates that there are notes on that file. By clicking on the icon, you will be able to see the notes.
  5. Category markups: If the file is assigned a category, you will see the category here.
  6. Reading requests: Here you can see a quick overview of the read requests issued on the given file. If the line is green, it indicates that the file has been read by the employees to whom it has been sent. If the line is blue, it indicates that the file has not yet been read by the employees to whom it has been sent. You can open a summary of the read requests by clicking the line.

File features

By clicking on the icon in section 3 above, you will open the following function menu. The function menu will vary depending on the file type and whether authentication is enabled:

  1. Click here to download latest version.
  2. If you need to move the file to another folder, click here.
  3. When having to edit category, notes and upload a new file to overwrite the existing one, you must click here.
  4. Here you can see a log of the different file versions.
  5. In order to bring up the read request for the file in a new window, this is the function, you must click.
  6. Here you can get the approval summary in a new window.
  7. Click here if you want to delete.


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