Event log

The event log is intended for events that cannot be classified as data breaches, but which you still want to have documented in the portal. Below we will review how to create and customize the form for creating new events in the event log.

How to create or edit an incident in the event log

To create a new incident in the Event log, click on ‘Create log entry’ (1) and a form will open. To edit an event that has already been created, click the edit icon (2)

The form for creating event entry

When clicking on “create event entry” a form will open. The form is by default very simple, which you will be able to see in the picture below, but it’s possible for you to customize the form, with the different elements you want to register with each incident. Further down on this page, we will go through how to customize the form. 

  1. In this field you must enter a title for the incident that you want to create. The title will be shown in the overview, as well as a short part of the description you provide further down. Therefore, choose a title by which you can recognize the incident.
  2. This field is for registering the time the incident occurred on. Click on the field with the date from which you can select the correct date for the event.
  3. Here you should insert the description of the incident. If you do not choose to customize the form with extra more specific fields, everything necessary to include will have to be entered here and otherwise appear in the files you want to attach.
  4. If you have any files to attach, this is where you do it. You can either do it by dragging the files into the box, og clicking on the “select files” button, which will open a window with all your files, from where you can choose the files you want to attach.

Where to customize the event log

If you wish to customize the log entries form, you do so by clicking on settings on the left side of the menu bar (item 1 in the image below). This will unfold several sub-items under settings, where you need to select “account settings” (item 2 in the image below). Once inside account settings, unfold the “extended data” bar (item 3 in the image below), where under “other” there will be a bar called “event log” (item 4 in the image below), which you need to click on.

How to customize the event log

Once you are inside settings and have clicked on “Event log” (item 4 in the image above) the bar will unfold, and it will look like this:

  1. At first, this part will be the only thing visible when the bar unfolds. You need to click on the icon to the right, in order to enable custom fields. The deafult setting is, that the icon is toggled off. When toggling the icon on, the elements below will show. 
  2. When having enabled custom fields, you will be able to see this bar. Click on the bar to unfold and see item 3, showed in the picture. 
  3. This is where you can add new fields to the form, for when creating an event entry. Click on the icon “add” to the right, and you will open the following window:
  1. Here you must enter a name for the field that you want to create. The name will appear at the top of the field – for example, you can see that the field in the standard form where you need to enter a description has been named “description”. You don’t have to enter the name as a single word, and you can also formulate the name as a question, depending on how you want to create the fields in the form.
  2. To select the type of field you want to create, click on this field. This will open some different options where you can choose from: Text, text area, rich text area, select, drop down (multi option), and toggle. If you choose “select” or “drop down (multi option)”, you need to add different options. Next to the options you create, you can choose whether they should be clicked on or off by default. If choosing “toggle” you should choose whether you want the default setting to be toggled on or off.
  3. This setting is for choosing whether the customized field should be visible in the table also referred to as the overview. This means that the name of the field will become a heading in a column in the overview, from which you will be able to see what is filled in the field in the overview. In the picture in the top of this page, you can see an example of this, from the columns: “title” and “description”.


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