Data Recipients


A data recipient is a legal or physical person, a public authority, or another person to whom personal data are disclosed. It can be anything from your bank and SKAT to Microsoft Office, etc.

The overview of the data recepients

Below, some relevant elements of the overview will be reviewed, which can be accessed and created directly from the overview of data recipients. It is important to note that the overview can vary, as it is possible to set which columns you want to be displayed and in what order these are displayed. You can read more about this here.

  1. These icons are expressions of inspections. There will be an icon next to each data recipient, where you are registered as a data processor, as you as a data processor must inspect your data recipients. The red icon indicates that an inspection series has been created and that it has been exceeded. The blue icon indicates that an inspection series has been created, but a start date has not yet been set. The dark blue plus indicates that no inspection series has been created. When you click here, the inspection series will be available under “data processing inspections”, which can be found under the menu item “inspections” in the menu to the left. Read more about “data processing inspections” here.
  2. Here it is possible to see the status of a TIA if there is a transfer to a third country. Icons will only be displayed next to a data recipient if you have registered that a transfer to a third country is taking place and therefore a TIA must be created. The colors reflect the risk assessed in connection with the creation of a TIA. The red exclamation mark indicates that there is a high risk, and you must therefore decide on the risk by either reducing the probability or the consequence. The yellow exclamation mark indicates a medium risk that you should be aware of, but which can be acceptable. The green check mark indicates that there is a low risk. If the blue icon appears, it indicates that a TIA has not been prepared. You can do this by clicking on the field and a form will open. You can also access and edit the existing TIAs by clicking on the red, yellow, or green icons. Read more about creating a TIA here.
  3. This column reflects the risk assessments carried out regarding the data processor. The different colors are the same expression as with a TIA. Red represents a high risk, which requires a position to be taken, since a high risk is unacceptable. Yellow indicates a medium risk, while green indicates a low risk. Here it is possible to open existing risk assessments or create new ones. The blue icon on the example above indicates that a risk assessment has not yet been made. You can click here and create one directly. In some cases, you want to prepare a risk assessment for the specific data recipient, which is done from this side. In other cases, you want to create risk assessments within the same category. If this is the case, it is done from the module “risk assessments”. You can read more about risk assessments here.
  4. These icons are expressions of data processing agreements. Next to each data recipient, there will be an icon with a number. The number indicates how many data processing agreements have been created for each data recipient. If it says zero, it means that no data processing agreement has been created. If you want to upload a data processing agreement, this can be done by clicking on the icon, after which a window will open. Here it will be possible to see any previously uploaded data processing agreements and add data processing agreements. This is done by clicking on “choose” after which your clipboard will be opened, from where you must find the data processing agreement you want to upload.

How to work with data recipients

When you click ‘Create’ (1) in the left corner of the overview of data recipients or ‘edit’ (2) next to a data recipient, you open a longer form.

3. With this feature, you can choose archive, export or delete. Read more about these features here.

Support features and other icons

When opening the form for a data recepient, there will be two support features in the upper right corner:

  1. This function gives you access to redistribute the data recepient. When clicking here you will get an overview of the various data recepients which you can choose from.
  2. The function allows the data recipient to be sent to an employee who can edit the data recipient through a link. This may be relevant in cases where an employee only rarely needs to correct the data recipients or where you want to limit what the individual can access of data in the portal.

When filling out the form, there will be som different icons at some of the fields. You can see an example of the icons here:

  1. The red exclamation mark is an expression of a gap. Read more about it here.
  2. The blue “i” icon is an info box. Read more about it here.

Filling out the form of a data recipient

When filling out the form, the first two fields will be name and type of data recipient:

  1. Here you need to type in the name of the data recipient.
  2. Data recipient type: Clicking this opens an exhaustive list of data recipient types. Your choice of data recipient type is crucial to the rest of the form’s content. If you are in doubt about which type of data recipient to choose, you can click on the blue infobox next to the field and an explanation of the different types will appear.

As the form will adapt a lot in order to which type of data recipient you choose, the guide through the rest of the form will be divided into the different types, you can choose. Click on the one you have chosen in the blue box below, which will lead you to the rest of the user guide. 

Click on the relevant data recipient type below for further guidance on completing the form:


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